Circa – A fundraiser program over 10 weeks for LatAm by NSNS in collaboration with Rinse France.



Rinse France & NSNS are uniting their forces around Circa, a series of radio shows aiming at highlighting some essential local actors of the various musical scenes of Latin America.

Across the span of 10 weeks, we will get to know a broad palette of

What is CIRCA and what do we address?

Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano once referred to Latin America as the “kingdoms of diversity”. In NSNS we believe in that vision and as such we want to celebrate and share it. CIRCA, our new series of radio shows in collaboration with Rinse FM France, is born out of that desire. Across the span of 10 weeks, we will get to know a broad palette of 10 different musical scenes (one program for each week) through the words and ears of some of its most essential artists and sub-groups in Latin America.

Each of these programs embodies our guiding principle: to bring closeness between our multiplicity of visions and latitudes. Varying from genres such as instrumental, folkloric, jazz, to experimental and electronic music, CIRCA emphasizes the many intersections that came through this colorful mix of musical interpretations of heritage. Our approach as well as our proposal to you, dear listener, is to make these radio shows as much of a cohesive and comprehensive experience as possible. We would like to work alongside you to not only place solitary tacks on this musical map but also to connect threads between them. At the end, we know the result will be richer and far more human: these artists opened a door into their musical home for a pair of curious ears and an empathetic heart, and we in NSNS are happy to serve as the space in which these perspectives can find each other and find you.

While we understand that the common meaning of diversity relates to cultural differences, through CIRCA we would like to propose a shift in focus. It’s impossible to talk about Latin America without facing complexities and contradictions, but on this occasion, diversity will confirm our endless intersections, our shared, intimate core. To reference Galeano once more, the human condition, at the end, is one and many, and in order to recognize each other first, we must know each other.

As an effort to alleviate the difficulties that these and many other artists and their surrounding communities might be facing due to Covid-19 —each on their own way and under different circumstances— CIRCA is putting up a donation link to keep the spirit, ideas, music production, music promotion and creative projects locally alive and make them available for a worldwide audience. All donations will be distributed equally to the people involved in this project through representative groups that curate each one week in collaboration with NSNS.

Thank you and RinseFM France for your support, by listening and having an open mind for a community of many cultures in which you are also present.

Join us to support artist groups of Latin America. We invite you to give if you can via this link :

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